Tuesday, October 26, 2004

End of Lunch Break

I Have less than 30 seconds left of my lunch break and I am just now writing this post. I do this a lot. This denial of time. If I am to meet someone at 9pm, I usually think that that means I can leave my house at 9pm. I have a scewed concept of time and space. I admit it. I guess I'm just in denial that time doesn't stop or stretch when I want it to. Once, when I was a kid and on vacation with my family we were walking some where and I was walking very slowly. My brother told me to hurry up, but I didn't. He said, "why are you walking so slowly?" Apparently I responded with saying that I thought that if I moved slower I could make the summer vacation last longer. I guess I still believe in this theory even though it has been disproven countless times.

I'm late for work. Goodbye.


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